Artwork Raises $145,500 for Promises2Kids: Supporting Foster Children in San Diego County

Artwork Raises $145,500 for Promises2Kids: Supporting Foster Children in San Diego County

Several years ago, the improbable became possible when Promises2Kids presented Michael Israel with a formidable challenge: raise funds and dazzle their patrons with just a 7-minute time slot. What followed was a journey that would defy expectations and leave an indelible mark on the hearts of many.


At the heart of this audacious challenge was Michael, a world-renowned artist and entertainer. His remarkable talents were about to be put to the test in a way that would not only change the trajectory of Promises2Kids but also the lives of countless foster children. Armed with a canvas and an audience filled with anticipation, Michael embarked on a 7-minute live painting performance that would leave everyone in awe.


The response was nothing short of extraordinary. Michael’s ability to turn a blank canvas into a masterpiece in a mere 7 minutes captured the imagination of all who were present. His performance was met with thunderous applause, and the patrons of Promises2Kids were not only amazed but also deeply moved to contribute to the cause.


In his first year, Michael shared the stage with Don Felder of the Eagles, setting the bar high for what was to come. The second year brought the enchanting Belinda Carlisle into the mix, adding a musical dimension to the event. And in the third year, the band Daughtry lent their talents, creating a magical fusion of art and music that was nothing short of spectacular.


Yet, the most astonishing part of this incredible journey was the outcome: over $145,000 raised through Michael’s 7-minute performances. This astounding achievement not only underscores Michael’s exceptional artistic abilities but also his unwavering commitment to supporting Promises2Kids and their mission to assist foster children in need.


In the world of fundraising and entertainment, the partnership between Michael Israel and Promises2Kids is nothing short of miraculous. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of art, music, and philanthropy, demonstrating that when talents and passions align, extraordinary things can happen. This story continues to inspire, reminding us that with determination and creativity, we can make a profound difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Over a quarter million in Art SOLD to benefit the Peoria Promise!

Over a quarter million in Art SOLD to benefit the Peoria Promise!

Over a quarter million in Art SOLD to benefit the Peoria Promise!

Michael Israel has raised over $250,000 and helped draw sponsors for the Peoria Promise, having worked with Mayor Jim Ardis since he founded the tuition reimbursement program working to help local students go to school and join the workforce.

The program was initially for students who had attended public schools in Peoria but has since expanded to private school graduates and now to students with GEDs and those homeschooled.

The galas serve to raise funds and celebrate those who made the program possible.

“The promise pillars this evening will be announced. They are the top 5 companies that have supported Peoria Promise from day one: Caterpillar, Advanced Medical Transport, RLI, OSF Health Care, and Unity Point,” Peoria Promise Executive Director MJ Schettler said.

The program has raised over $4.4 million and helped over 2,600 students get an associate’s degree or certification. Schettler said 87% of their alumni are working in Peoria.

HERO – A Heart-Warming Speed Painting Performance Depicting a Firefighter’s Sacrifice to Save His Own Daughter

HERO – A Heart-Warming Speed Painting Performance Depicting a Firefighter’s Sacrifice to Save His Own Daughter

Hero —the most endearing speed painting performance portrays a young firefighter who risks his life to save a child after being told by his chief, “Get Out! Save yourself, the building is collapsing.” Facing the flames and thinking he might not make it out alive, it becomes apparent when he reaches the child she is his very own 4-yr old daughter. Read the full story below.

Don’t miss the end! Goosebumps, cheers, smiles, and tears! This work has helped with many important causes and produced by Wolfgang Films. HERO explores commitment to an ideal. It asks the question: What endeavor would you undertake knowing full well that the odds are you will fail? What would you give your all to knowing you will likely be severely injured or even die trying? What is the greatest possible reward, and in that thought, what is the most valuable and priceless thing on earth? Paul and Chrissie are a young couple in their twenties, and have started a new family. The story as told by Chrissie I’ll never forget that day…It plays like a movie in my mind, over and over. My Husband, Paul, didn’t even eat breakfast that day. He was so excited he wanted to get to the fire station early. It was his first week on the job. Paul headed for the door but realized he had forgotten something important to him…

Jessie, our adorable three-year-old. She came running across the floor and jumped up in his arms…when Paul told her that he loved her, Jessie’s face lit up with a big smile, and in her tiny voice, she said, ” Daddy, will you play with me when you get home?” Paul smiled and said, “Of Course, Jessie… you are why I do what I do!” And then Jessie said, ” Daddy, you’re my big HERO…be careful, Daddy.” I hated that we both had to work, but I was glad Jessie could go to Gayle’s apartment to play with her daughter, Jen. When we got there, Jessie and Jen started playing with dolls right away and chattering about one thing and then another, and I heard Jen say that her Dad worked up in the clouds in the tallest office building. Then on my way out the door, I heard Jessie tell Jen that her Daddy is a Fireman. She sounded so proud. I left feeling happy and proud of both Jessie and Paul. I didn’t know that day would change my life….forever! Gayle told me that Jessie got up to go to the bathroom. Right after she closed the door, there was a massive explosion. Gayle said the apartment was filled with smoke. Without even thinking, she grabbed Jen and ran out. She said she frantically found the Fire Chief and told him that another little girl was trapped in the bathroom, up in her apartment. She told me she didn’t know what to do as the Chief told her there was no way that he could send any more men into that collapsing, old building as it was too far gone. They had also lost two Firefighters in the blaze. Then, Gayle heard Paul’s voice on the radio, saying he was on the second floor. The Chief told Paul to “GET OUT! He had his own family to think about.” … read the rest at…

Virtual Art Auction and Live Show by Michael Israel for Museum of Discovery and Science

Virtual Art Auction and Live Show by Michael Israel for Museum of Discovery and Science

Michael Israel Art Studios produced a fantastic virtual event for the Museum of Discovery and Science with programming from the museum and a live show and art auction!

Let’s paint the town red, blue, pink, green and yellow too! Picture a vibrant evening of colorful science, delectable snacks, and an original LIVE Art performance as world-renowned speed painter Michael Israel creates art before your eyes from the comfort of your couch.