“Paint the Lake: A Virtual Extravaganza of Art and Imagination”

“Paint the Lake: A Virtual Extravaganza of Art and Imagination”

Paint the Lake featuring Artist Michael Israel

The Chautauqua Lake Association (CLA) proudly presents “Paint the Lake,” an extraordinary event that brought together art enthusiasts from around the world for an unforgettable evening of creativity and entertainment. Renowned artist, entertainer, and philanthropist Michael Israel took center stage, captivating the audience with his mesmerizing artistic performances streamed live from his studio. This virtual event left a lasting impression on all who attended.

Event Highlights:

The virtual extravaganza began at 7:30 pm with a lively virtual cocktail party, where attendees had the opportunity to interact and share their excitement. The Untouchables, a high-energy multi-instrumental group, set the tone with their captivating blend of R&B, Old Time Rock-N-Roll, and Classic Soul music. The electrifying performance energized the virtual space, creating a dynamic atmosphere that set the stage for Michael Israel’s grand entrance.

As the clock struck 8 pm, Michael Israel graced “the stage” and unleashed his extraordinary artistic talent. With deft brushstrokes and an undeniable passion for his craft, he brought art to life before the virtual audience’s eyes. Every stroke of his brush exuded emotion and creativity, leaving the viewers awestruck. The evening culminated in an exhilarating art auction, providing art enthusiasts with a chance to bid on and potentially own one of Michael Israel’s magnificent original pieces.

Engagement and Interaction:

Throughout the event, attendees actively participated in the virtual chat, sharing their enthusiasm and engaging in vibrant conversations about the art, music, and overall experience. Attendees were encouraged to upload pictures of their own house parties, further fostering a sense of community and connection among art lovers. The lively interaction added an extra layer of excitement and camaraderie to the event, creating an immersive experience for all participants.

Social Experience and Corporate Sponsorship:

For those seeking a more social experience, Group Ther-happy streamed the event, offering a limited number of seats for attendees to enjoy a delightful dinner while watching the show. The event also provided opportunities for corporate sponsors to participate as VIP guests, enjoying exclusive benefits such as full event access for their guests, unique prints, and special merchandise. Digital advertisements and social media mentions before, during, and after the event added to the exposure and recognition of corporate sponsors.


Paint the Lake featuring Artist Michael Israel, was a resounding success, showcasing the immense talent and creativity of both the artist and the event organizers. From the virtual cocktail party and mesmerizing musical performances to Michael Israel’s awe-inspiring artistry and the exhilarating art auction, the event left a lasting impression on all attendees. The CLA’s commitment to bringing exceptional art experiences to a global audience was met with overwhelming enthusiasm and engagement. Paint the Lake will undoubtedly be remembered as an exceptional and unforgettable event that brought art to life in the virtual realm.

The Chautauqua Lake Association (CLA) is a renowned organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of Chautauqua Lake, located in Western New York. Founded in 1953, the CLA has been at the forefront of protecting the lake’s natural beauty and promoting its ecological well-being for over six decades.

With a strong commitment to environmental stewardship, the CLA works tirelessly to address the lake’s challenges, including water quality, aquatic vegetation management, and the prevention of harmful algal blooms. The organization’s dedicated team of scientists, researchers, and volunteers collaborates with local communities, government agencies, and educational institutions to develop effective strategies and implement sustainable solutions.

The CLA’s multifaceted approach encompasses a wide range of initiatives, including lake maintenance and improvement, watershed management, public education, and community outreach. Through extensive monitoring and data collection efforts, the organization continually assesses the lake’s health and implements proactive measures to preserve its ecological balance.

In addition to its conservation efforts, the CLA plays a vital role in fostering community engagement and appreciation for Chautauqua Lake. Through various educational programs, lake tours, and public events, the organization seeks to raise awareness about the lake’s importance and inspire individuals to become advocates for its long-term protection.

Furthermore, the CLA actively collaborates with local businesses, organizations, and government entities to ensure a collective approach to lake management. By fostering partnerships and encouraging stakeholder involvement, the CLA aims to create a unified front in safeguarding the lake’s ecosystem and promoting its sustainable use.

The Chautauqua Lake Association stands as a beacon of environmental stewardship, working tirelessly to preserve the natural splendor of Chautauqua Lake for future generations. With its unwavering dedication, scientific expertise, and community involvement, the CLA serves as a model organization, setting the standard for lake conservation efforts.

HERO – A Heart-Warming Speed Painting Performance Depicting a Firefighter’s Sacrifice to Save His Own Daughter

HERO – A Heart-Warming Speed Painting Performance Depicting a Firefighter’s Sacrifice to Save His Own Daughter

Hero —the most endearing speed painting performance portrays a young firefighter who risks his life to save a child after being told by his chief, “Get Out! Save yourself, the building is collapsing.” Facing the flames and thinking he might not make it out alive, it becomes apparent when he reaches the child she is his very own 4-yr old daughter. Read the full story below.

Don’t miss the end! Goosebumps, cheers, smiles, and tears! This work has helped with many important causes and produced by Wolfgang Films. HERO explores commitment to an ideal. It asks the question: What endeavor would you undertake knowing full well that the odds are you will fail? What would you give your all to knowing you will likely be severely injured or even die trying? What is the greatest possible reward, and in that thought, what is the most valuable and priceless thing on earth? Paul and Chrissie are a young couple in their twenties, and have started a new family. The story as told by Chrissie I’ll never forget that day…It plays like a movie in my mind, over and over. My Husband, Paul, didn’t even eat breakfast that day. He was so excited he wanted to get to the fire station early. It was his first week on the job. Paul headed for the door but realized he had forgotten something important to him…

Jessie, our adorable three-year-old. She came running across the floor and jumped up in his arms…when Paul told her that he loved her, Jessie’s face lit up with a big smile, and in her tiny voice, she said, ” Daddy, will you play with me when you get home?” Paul smiled and said, “Of Course, Jessie… you are why I do what I do!” And then Jessie said, ” Daddy, you’re my big HERO…be careful, Daddy.” I hated that we both had to work, but I was glad Jessie could go to Gayle’s apartment to play with her daughter, Jen. When we got there, Jessie and Jen started playing with dolls right away and chattering about one thing and then another, and I heard Jen say that her Dad worked up in the clouds in the tallest office building. Then on my way out the door, I heard Jessie tell Jen that her Daddy is a Fireman. She sounded so proud. I left feeling happy and proud of both Jessie and Paul. I didn’t know that day would change my life….forever! Gayle told me that Jessie got up to go to the bathroom. Right after she closed the door, there was a massive explosion. Gayle said the apartment was filled with smoke. Without even thinking, she grabbed Jen and ran out. She said she frantically found the Fire Chief and told him that another little girl was trapped in the bathroom, up in her apartment. She told me she didn’t know what to do as the Chief told her there was no way that he could send any more men into that collapsing, old building as it was too far gone. They had also lost two Firefighters in the blaze. Then, Gayle heard Paul’s voice on the radio, saying he was on the second floor. The Chief told Paul to “GET OUT! He had his own family to think about.” … read the rest at http://michaelisrael.com/2012/videos/…