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HERO – A Heart-Warming Speed Painting Performance Depicting a Firefighter’s Sacrifice to Save His Own Daughter

Hero —the most endearing speed painting performance portrays a young firefighter who risks his life to save a child after being told by his chief, “Get Out! Save yourself, the building is collapsing.” Facing the flames and thinking he might not make it out alive, it becomes apparent when he reaches the child she is his very own 4-yr old daughter. Read the full story below.

Don’t miss the end! Goosebumps, cheers, smiles, and tears! This work has helped with many important causes and produced by Wolfgang Films. HERO explores commitment to an ideal. It asks the question: What endeavor would you undertake knowing full well that the odds are you will fail? What would you give your all to knowing you will likely be severely injured or even die trying? What is the greatest possible reward, and in that thought, what is the most valuable and priceless thing on earth? Paul and Chrissie are a young couple in their twenties, and have started a new family. The story as told by Chrissie I’ll never forget that day…It plays like a movie in my mind, over and over. My Husband, Paul, didn’t even eat breakfast that day. He was so excited he wanted to get to the fire station early. It was his first week on the job. Paul headed for the door but realized he had forgotten something important to him…

Jessie, our adorable three-year-old. She came running across the floor and jumped up in his arms…when Paul told her that he loved her, Jessie’s face lit up with a big smile, and in her tiny voice, she said, ” Daddy, will you play with me when you get home?” Paul smiled and said, “Of Course, Jessie… you are why I do what I do!” And then Jessie said, ” Daddy, you’re my big HERO…be careful, Daddy.” I hated that we both had to work, but I was glad Jessie could go to Gayle’s apartment to play with her daughter, Jen. When we got there, Jessie and Jen started playing with dolls right away and chattering about one thing and then another, and I heard Jen say that her Dad worked up in the clouds in the tallest office building. Then on my way out the door, I heard Jessie tell Jen that her Daddy is a Fireman. She sounded so proud. I left feeling happy and proud of both Jessie and Paul. I didn’t know that day would change my life….forever! Gayle told me that Jessie got up to go to the bathroom. Right after she closed the door, there was a massive explosion. Gayle said the apartment was filled with smoke. Without even thinking, she grabbed Jen and ran out. She said she frantically found the Fire Chief and told him that another little girl was trapped in the bathroom, up in her apartment. She told me she didn’t know what to do as the Chief told her there was no way that he could send any more men into that collapsing, old building as it was too far gone. They had also lost two Firefighters in the blaze. Then, Gayle heard Paul’s voice on the radio, saying he was on the second floor. The Chief told Paul to “GET OUT! He had his own family to think about.” … read the rest at http://michaelisrael.com/2012/videos/…

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